

Tomi ungerer
In this final masterpiece from the late Tomi Ungerer, Earth is devastated and empty. Everyone has escaped to the moon - except Vasco. Luckily, Vasco has his shadow to guide him, and he finds little green Poco - someone to care for and bring to safety. Nonstop dangers await Vasco and baby Poco at every corner, but Vasco's shadow rescues and guides them through destroyed cities and apocalyptic landscapes to safety. It's a timely, thought-provoking tale of friendship, trust, and hope.
Disponible sous 10 jours
EAN 9781838661595
Collection Hors collection
Date de parution 05/11/2020
Format 11 mm x 296 mm x 211 mm
14,95 €
14,95 €

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4 Rue Emmanuel Arène
20000 Ajaccio
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Du Lundi au Samedi : 9h - 19h30

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