Jaipur Splendor - Mozez Singh - ASSOULINE

Jaipur splendor

Mozez singh
A delicate blend of old and new, Jaipur is a vibrant city full of energy, color and grandeur. With a history of maharajas, emperors and queens, the capital of the Rajasthan state has a prestigious heritage and an esteem that continues to this day. The City Palace, a sprawling complex of buildings and courtyards, is a testament to Jaipur’s magnificence and still acts as the home of the former royal family. The impressive and intricate Hawa Mahal, composed of pink and orange sandstone, helps lend Jaipur its nickname, “the Pink City.”
But Jaipur is more than just splendid palaces and enchanting jewels. The bustling bazaars, traditional handmade crafts and delicious street food truly embody the city’s dynamic spirit. Jaipur is at its most lively during the annual celebration of Holi, an ebullient “festival of colors” that heralds eternal love and the arrival of spring. Jaipur Splendor is a dazzling tour of this one-of-a-kind city.
Disponible sous 10 jours
EAN 9781649800688
Collection Classics
Date de parution 11/02/2022
Format 40 mm x 330 mm x 250 mm
Nombre de pages 312
105,00 €
105,00 €

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