Conversation - Pier-Luigi Tazzi - ACTES SUD


Pier-luigi tazzi
Adel Abdessemed bas been one of the major figures in contemporaty art since he
entered the international creative world in the early 2000. In 2012, after recent exhibitions in Nagoya, Venice, London, Tel Aviv, Berlin, and New York, his work is featured in a large exhibition at the Centre Georges Pompidou. Well-known for his capacity to produce images generally considered violent, he seems to appeal to the immediate reaction of the viewer.
However, under closer observation, his work appears to be of great cultural and intellectual complexity.

In a conversation with Italian art critic Pier Luigi Tazzi, Abdessemed explains his personal and creative background to his work — a background that had been left unknown.

Version anglaise de Entretien.
Disponible sous 10 jours
EAN 9782330013967
Collection Arts
Date de parution 21/09/2012
Format 11 mm x 190 mm x 101 mm
Nombre de pages 118
19,26 €
19,26 €
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Du Lundi au Samedi : 9h - 19h30

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