Baklava to Tarte Tatin : A World Tour in 110 Dessert Recipes - Bernard Laurance - FLAMMARION

Baklava to tarte tatin : a world tour in 110 dessert recipes

Bernard laurance
Bernard Laurance's passion for food has sent him around the globe in pursuit of authentic dessert recipes from the world's great culinary traditions. Sample a Portuguese pastéis de nata, indulge in a creamy slice of New York cheesecake, taste a Japanese mochi, or try an Italian hazelnut-almond-chocolate baci di dama. French food blogging sensation Bernard Laurance takes the reader on an international culinary tour via 110 expertly tested recipes for authentic world desserts. A self-described recipe decoder, Bernard is passionate about unlocking and sharing the secrets behind the world's favorite desserts. The dishes are organized by geographic region, and Bernard introduces each dessert, offering context about its origins or a personal anecdote relaying his quest for the quintessential recipe. His easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions-that he has tested and retested until he achieved perfection-are accompanied by lavish photographs ; together they offer achievable inspiration for successful dessert-making at home.
Arrêt de commercialisation
EAN 9782080202154
Collection Pratique
Date de parution 23/09/2015
Format 28 mm x 249 mm x 199 mm
Nombre de pages 288
29,90 €

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