L'époque a le goût de la mort : mort de Dieu, mort de la morale, mort de l'art, peut-être même mort de la civilisation et de la planète... Cette tendance catastrophiste risque bien, non de nous éclairer sur notre situation, mais de nous aveugler. Nous finissons par ne plus distinguer les « paillettes d'or » (Diderot) du présent. Cela est sans doute plus manifeste dans les arts qu'ailleurs. Ce livre veut attirer l'attention sur la permanence du pouvoir créateur humain, notamment à travers l'art contemporain, pourtant si bafoué par de nouveaux prophètes de malheur. La beauté n'a pas disparu pour qui sait la découvrir. Elle a une dimension morale, car la beauté fait vivre et respirer, instille le goût d'assumer son existence, donc de vouloir la vie plutôt que rien. Elle a une dimension religieuse en tant qu'elle fait signe vers plus grand, plus beau, plus vivant qu'elle. La sécularisation de nos sociétés peut certes troubler nos regards, nous rendant insensibles à ces dimensions de la beauté. Il n'en reste pas moins que, pour quiconque entretient en soi une vie culturelle et spirituelle, la beauté n'a pas cessé d'être évocatrice, et donc d'inspirer le désir de vivre, par-delà les « mille morts amères » qui parsèment nos vies.
The times in which we live reek of death: the death of God, of morality, of art, perhaps even that of civilisation and our planet... This doom-mongering tendency threatens not to enlighten us on our situation, but to blind us. We end up unable to distinguish between the ‘gold sequins' (Diderot) and the present - something that is clearly more evident in the domain of the arts than elsewhere. The aim of this book is to focus attention on the power of human creativity, notably through contemporary art, even though it is so ridiculed by the new prophets of doom. Beauty is still there for those who know where to find it, and it possesses a moral dimension for beauty inspires us to live and breathe and instils within us a zest to assume responsibility for our own existence, and thereby to choose life rather over nothingness. It also has a religious dimension inasmuch as it alludes to something greater, more beautiful and more alive than itself. Admittedly, the secularisation of our society can dim our perception and make us insensitive to these aspects of beauty but the fact still remains - to those who maintain a spiritual and cultural existence, beauty has never lost its evocative power, and therefore continues to inspire a desire to live, in spite of the ‘thousand bitter deaths' that strew our existence.
The times in which we live reek of death: the death of God, of morality, of art, perhaps even that of civilisation and our planet... This doom-mongering tendency threatens not to enlighten us on our situation, but to blind us. We end up unable to distinguish between the ‘gold sequins' (Diderot) and the present - something that is clearly more evident in the domain of the arts than elsewhere. The aim of this book is to focus attention on the power of human creativity, notably through contemporary art, even though it is so ridiculed by the new prophets of doom. Beauty is still there for those who know where to find it, and it possesses a moral dimension for beauty inspires us to live and breathe and instils within us a zest to assume responsibility for our own existence, and thereby to choose life rather over nothingness. It also has a religious dimension inasmuch as it alludes to something greater, more beautiful and more alive than itself. Admittedly, the secularisation of our society can dim our perception and make us insensitive to these aspects of beauty but the fact still remains - to those who maintain a spiritual and cultural existence, beauty has never lost its evocative power, and therefore continues to inspire a desire to live, in spite of the ‘thousand bitter deaths' that strew our existence.
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16 mm x 196 mm x 136 mm
19,80 €
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20000 Ajaccio
20000 Ajaccio
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Du Lundi au Samedi : 9h - 19h30
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