1000 x european architecture -  Collectif - BRAUN

1000 x european architecture


The selected works in this volume provide a cross-section of contemporary European architectural culture in the current context of the building boom, financial crisis and economic recovery. These diverging developments combined with significantly increased ecological awareness have sustainably and creatively influenced the world of architecture between the North Cape and the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean and the Ural Mountains during the past five years.

It is therefore time for a new edition of 1000 x European Architecture. The 1000 buildings featured, of all types and sizes, are a comprehensive overview of how differently architects and building owners have reacted to the challenges. This compendium brings together on 1000 pages the latest works of the world's leading architects as well as great projects by up-and-coming future stars. Across all countries there are fascinating examples of a wide variety of buildings types and sizes that substantially enrich the exciting diversity of European architecture.

Manquant sans date
EAN 9783037680872
Éditeur BRAUN
Collection Braun
Date de parution 24/11/2011
Format 80 mm x 358 mm x 280 mm
122,61 €

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