Turquoise Coast - Nevbahar Koç - ASSOULINE

Turquoise coast

Nevbahar koç
The Turkish Riviera, known as the Turquoise Coast, is home to stunning mountain scenery, rich myths, and folklore, and more than six hundred miles of impeccable shoreline along the warm Aegean and Mediterranean seas. Featuring two of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the ruins of the Mausoleum of Maussollos and the Temple of Artemis, this stretch of coast is a destination apart, so much so that Mark Antony was said to have chosen it as the most spectacular wedding gift for Cleopatra. Through the lens of Oliver Pilcher, this blue voyage beckons readers with wanderlust to set sail and enjoy the dazzling sapphire shades of the coast’s dreamy yacht life. Anecdotes from lovers of the region include Mica Ertegun, Tommy Hilfiger, Chiara Ferragni, and Mert Alas, who spent summers boating on these storied waters.
Disponible sous 10 jours
EAN 9781614287773
Collection Classics
Date de parution 01/05/2019
Format 40 mm x 330 mm x 250 mm
Nombre de pages 288
105,00 €
105,00 €
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