![UNE ÉTHIQUE POUR L'ÉCONOMIE - Hugues Puel - CERF UNE ÉTHIQUE POUR L'ÉCONOMIE - Hugues Puel - CERF](https://librairie-lamarge.fr/cache/images/product/24d99064e447a8fcfa1b5f6999fe6952-0355520-couverture1-xcgzbqmbjstxyh418opswnl4t8g-60z8mnu0z3osiegymy_3nswvlw-cover-full.jpg)
Depuis les années 1980, l'auteur est engagé dans de nombreux débats d'éthique de l'économie. Une évocation très concrète de diverses expériences constitue l'ouverture de ce livre. L'analyse opère ensuite une distinction entre l'ethos et l'éthique. Si l'éthique ou la morale concerne l'agir humain en tant qu'il se réfère à un sens, l'ethos est une représentation sous-jacente de nature plus implicite et collective qui façonne de manière plus ou moins consciente les comportements des acteurs de l'économie à travers les différents modes de penser la religion, le pouvoir ou l'individu. L'économie étant un processus de destruction créatrice, il n'est pas étonnant que les acteurs de l'économie se trouvent bousculés par une multitude de crises où les facteurs techniques jouent un rôle essentiel. Mais intervient aussi fortement le grand mouvement de monétarisation et de « financiarisation » de l'économie. Cette dernière a pris des formes nouvelles depuis les années 1980 et les crises financières n'ont cessé de se répéter jusqu'à celle de 2007-2008 dont les répercussions se font encore sentir. Une éthique pour l'économie procède donc d'un discernement complexe sur la réalité des changements en cours et propose des orientations pragmatiques, inspirées de la tradition sociale chrétienne, mais ouvertes à la rencontre d'humanismes divers. Cet ouvrage devrait intéresser les responsables d'entreprises, les militants sociaux, ainsi que tous ceux qui, à différents niveaux, sont concernés par les défis à relever par l'action publique.
Since the eighties, the author has taken part in many debates on the ethics of the economy. The book opens with a factual description of various experiences, followed by an analysis that distinguishes between ethos and ethics. If ethics or morals concern human action, inasmuch as they refer to a meaning, ethos is an underlying representation of a more implicit and collective nature which shapes, more or less consciously, the behaviour of deciders in economic affairs through different concepts of religion, power or the individual. Economy being a process of creative destruction, it is not surprising that the players involved find themselves shaken by a multitude of crises in which technical factors play an essential role. But the strong current of monetization and financialization of the economy also intervenes, taking on new forms since the eighties. Financial crises have been frequent up to the 2007-2008 crisis whose effects we are still experiencing. Consequently an ethic for economy must emerge from a complex discernment of the reality of on-going change, proposing pragmatic actions inspired by the Christian social tradition, but remaining open to different humanisms. This book is intended for firm managers, social militants, and all those who, at different levels, are concerned by the challenges that must be met by public action.
Since the eighties, the author has taken part in many debates on the ethics of the economy. The book opens with a factual description of various experiences, followed by an analysis that distinguishes between ethos and ethics. If ethics or morals concern human action, inasmuch as they refer to a meaning, ethos is an underlying representation of a more implicit and collective nature which shapes, more or less consciously, the behaviour of deciders in economic affairs through different concepts of religion, power or the individual. Economy being a process of creative destruction, it is not surprising that the players involved find themselves shaken by a multitude of crises in which technical factors play an essential role. But the strong current of monetization and financialization of the economy also intervenes, taking on new forms since the eighties. Financial crises have been frequent up to the 2007-2008 crisis whose effects we are still experiencing. Consequently an ethic for economy must emerge from a complex discernment of the reality of on-going change, proposing pragmatic actions inspired by the Christian social tradition, but remaining open to different humanisms. This book is intended for firm managers, social militants, and all those who, at different levels, are concerned by the challenges that must be met by public action.
Disponible sous 10 jours
Recherches morales
Date de parution
23 mm x 215 mm x 135 mm
27.00 €